International News

191 years of foundation UNSA

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Nov 14, 2019

Rector highlighted the changes that merited institutional licensing

The National University of San Agustín de Arequipa celebrates 191 years of foundation, the Augustinian authorities, teachers, students and administrative staff participated in the different activities scheduled for the central day.

The activities began with decentralized elevations in the areas of Social, Biomedical, Engineering and the central administration, with the participation of the Deans of Faculties, Directors of Professional Schools, administrative staff and students.


Later in the Cathedral the Mass and Te Deum were developed where the ecclesiastical representative Monsignor Raúl Chau Quispe urged the Augustinian authorities to continue working for the education of thousands of students, who represent the future of society.

In the Aula Magna Simón Bolívar the Solemn Anniversary Session was held with the presence of the Provincial Mayor of Arequipa, the Prefect, the President of the Superior Court of Justice, the President of the Board of Prosecutors, the Rear Admiral of the Navy from Peru, among other authorities that gathered for this important celebration.

The keynote address was given by the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, Dr. Hugo Rojas, who referred to university education, and the challenge of expanding coverage generating an inclusion process and contributing to the reduction of social inequalities.

In his speech, the highest Augustinian authority, Dr. Rohel Sánchez Sánchez, highlighted the changes achieved to date, based on the five strategic axes that match the basic functions that characterize a public university such as UNSA, which include: Academic Management ; Management of Research, Innovation and entrepreneurship; Internationalization Management; Management of University Social Responsibility, Risks, Natural Disasters and adaptation to climate change and finally Administrative, Economic and Financial Management.

These five axes have contributed to the improvement of the basic quality conditions in favor of the students, and have warranted that the National University of San Agustín de Arequipa has obtained the licensing for a maximum period of ten years by SUNEDU.

The Augustinian Rector informed that the University Council agreed to the creation of the Arequipa Science and Technology Park (PCT) that will be administered through the UNSA Foundation. “Since 2016 we have invested 216 million soles from the mining canon, we have two favorable opinions of the previous Congress of the Republic to have the PCT that will contribute to the scientific and technological development of the country, this intervention should lead UNSA to be a Latin American reference in sustainability sciences and sustainable development, ”he said.

In March 2020, the National University of San Agustín de Arequipa will host the second Executive UNI, meeting where the Head of State, Ministers and rectors of 51 universities across the country will participate, where the president is expected to promulgate the Law of Scientific and Technological Park of the UNSA.

Oficina Universitaria de Informática y Sistemas
Calle Universidad 107, Cercado - Arequipa
Teléfono: +51 54 391911
Universidad Nacional de San Agustin de Arequipa
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