Academic Activities

Ten are the UNSA professional programs accredited in more than 20 countries

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Dec 11, 2019

The National University of San Agustín de Arequipa, is the Peruvian academic institution with the highest number of programs accredited by ICACIT in 2019.

The accrediting agency specialized in professional training programs in computing, technology and engineering – ICACIT granted the accreditation to 10 professional programs of the Agustina House in the areas of Engineering and Biomedical.

UNSA thus becomes the university with the largest number of accredited programs in the 2019 process nationwide.

“Accrediting ten careers is a milestone” said Enrique Álvarez Rodrich, President of the ICACIT Board of Directors “accreditation has the virtue of having an international recognition, therefore the academic degrees are recognized thanks to the fact that Icacit is a member of the Washington Agreement in 20 countries ”.

Accreditation is a process of evaluation of a professional program to determine if it meets international quality standards and must be renewed periodically. This guarantees the continuous improvement of educational quality with a results-oriented accreditation model.

The benefits achieved are the national recognition of accreditations from the National System of Evaluation, Accreditation and Certification of Educational Quality – SINEACE, international recognition of graduates of academic degrees by members of the Washington Agreement that facilitates the professional registration of beneficiaries , employment and admission to postgraduate schools abroad. In some cases, member countries take it into consideration as a reference for academic equivalence when issuing visas.

The accredited UNSA programs are:

  • Agronomy

  • Fishing Engineering

  • Environmental engineering

  • Food Industry Engineering Materials Engineering

  • Metallurgical Engineering

  • Chemical engineering

  • Electric engineering

  • Industrial engineer

  • Computer Science

The desired accreditation was achieved thanks to the committed work of the central level authorities, deans, teachers, students and administrative workers, who during intense days managed to guarantee the quality conditions demanded by the accrediting entity.

The delivery of the resolution was made in the city of Lima, in the ceremony representatives of 11 universities of Peru participated.


Oficina Universitaria de Informática y Sistemas
Calle Universidad 107, Cercado - Arequipa
Teléfono: +51 54 391911
Universidad Nacional de San Agustin de Arequipa
Santa Catalina Nro. 117. Arequipa
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